Colors and Clothing
Solid complementary colors - avoid too much pattern and neon colors.
Earth tones always are your best bet.
Accessories like hats, scarves, jewelry, anything that says “this is who I am” is always welcome to make your session more personal.
Hair cuts should be done at least 2 weeks prior to your session. This will give it time to look it’s best.
Hands will be in the photos, make sure they are clean and well groomed. Nail polish should be complementary to outfits and not too “loud”.
Glasses do cause glare. Removing the lenses is an option. Not wearing them is another option. If neither of those options are suitable I will do my best to avoid glare.
Transition lenses are impossible to avoid. Bring a spare pair without transition otherwise they will need to be removed.
I suggest no more than 2 outfits. Children get frustrated and antsy with too many outfit changes.
Bring a favorite toy to incorporate into some of the photos.
Limit the amount of people coming to the session, 1 or 2 at the most. Too many people are very distracting for the child.
Don’t forget your comb for hair.
Bring treats along to help get your pet to sit and stay.
Let me know key words to get them to look and perk up their ears.
Limit the amount of people at the session; too many are very distracting. 1 or 2 should do.
Dogs must be on leash at my studio and public locations.